(NOTE: Memberships are based on SWE's fiscal year from 7/1 through 6/30). If you have any questions or comments, please contact our Membership Officer at [email protected].
Hello members! This is a friendly reminder to renew your membership of SWE. No additional fees are required if you are a collegiate to career member, but you must renew your information in SWE's system in order to be at full member standing, and enjoy all of the perks of being a member.
Click here to renew your membership: |
✧Benefits to Membership✧
Community of Support
- SWE is an inclusive organization focused on issues of interest to women specializing in engineering and technical careers.
- SWE's education and outreach activities are designed to enhance the quality of life for women of all backgrounds who pursue the profession of engineering.
- As a worldwide leader in engineering knowledge and support, SWE is a partner you can turn to for advanced, relevant information about women in technical careers.
- Members are encouraged and supported in the development of skills necessary to be effective leaders in a global marketplace.
✧Membership FAQ✧
Q: Can I still attend events if I am not a member?
A: Yes, you are welcome to join all events! Becoming a national member is optional, and you are welcome at any meeting or event, however you must be a paying member to enjoy the perks of scholarships, conferences, and various other benefits.
Q: What types of membership options do I have?
A: There are three types of membership options available: Collegiate to Career, Collegiate, and Joint memberships.
A: SWE National Membership comes with many benefits, including eligibility for scholarships and discounted prices to Kaplan preparation courses.
Q: Can I still join SWE if I am male?
A: Yes! SWE is open to everyone! Feel free to come out to our events.
A: Yes, you are welcome to join all events! Becoming a national member is optional, and you are welcome at any meeting or event, however you must be a paying member to enjoy the perks of scholarships, conferences, and various other benefits.
Q: What types of membership options do I have?
A: There are three types of membership options available: Collegiate to Career, Collegiate, and Joint memberships.
- C2C (Collegiate to Career): For a one-time $50 payment, collegiate members can secure a SWE membership for their collegiate years through the first year they qualify for professional grade membership. C2C is beneficial to students with two or more years of schooling left or those pursuing an advanced degree. Renewal is required each year, at no charge, to confirm continued SWE Membership. Take advantage of this program to maximize your savings on membership dues.
- Collegiate: SWE Membership is available for $20 to college students majoring in engineering and must be renewed annually to obtain membership benefits.
- Joint: Take advantage of a reduced joint membership rate when you join both SWE and one of these three professional organizations: The American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), and the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE). (NOTE: Only available April 15 - December 31)
A: SWE National Membership comes with many benefits, including eligibility for scholarships and discounted prices to Kaplan preparation courses.
Q: Can I still join SWE if I am male?
A: Yes! SWE is open to everyone! Feel free to come out to our events.