SDGE has invited SDSU SWE to tour their Energy Innovation Center (EIC) on March 21st. The EIC is a working showcase that demonstrates smart energy initiatives and green building practices, all housed in one unique setting. This 27,000 square foot LEED Platinum center offers visitors a venue for learning and exploring the latest in energy efficiency, renewable energy, smart grid and alternative fuel technologies. The tour is scheduled from 11am - 12pm and the center is located at 4760 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA 92117. If interested in attending please fill out the form here so I can provide the representatives with a final headcount of who will be attending.
Come hang out with SWE and enjoy some free Subway! Our meeting will be on March 18 at 7:30pm in the Aztec Student Union Aztlan 230A. We have Andrina Luczon as our guest speaker for this meeting. She is a Software Engineer from Northrop Grumman. The officers will also be sharing what we learned from the regional conference so stop on by if you are interested in learning some tips and tricks in industry. We look forward to seeing you all and of course feel free to bring your friends :)
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February 2020
Contact Ally Hardy at [email protected]